5.5 - Detailed basic example mod (by Franky)

Below you can find a basic example mod with some options that you might find useful explained in more detail.
We have two files:

  • ExampleMod2.cs
  • Config.cs


using SonsSdk;
using SUI;
using TheForest.Utils; // Needed to access LocalPlayer
using UnityEngine;

namespace ExampleMod2;

public class ExampleMod2 : SonsMod
    public ExampleMod2()

        // Uncomment any of these if you need a method to run on a specific update loop.
        //OnUpdateCallback = MyUpdateMethod;
        //OnLateUpdateCallback = MyLateUpdateMethod;
        //OnFixedUpdateCallback = MyFixedUpdateMethod;
        //OnGUICallback = MyGUIMethod;

        // Uncomment this to automatically apply harmony patches in your assembly.
        //HarmonyPatchAll = true;

    protected override void OnInitializeMod()
        // Do your early mod initialization which doesn't involve game or sdk references here
        Config.Init(); // Initialize your code in your Config's Init()

    protected override void OnSdkInitialized()

        SettingsRegistry.CreateSettings(this, null, typeof(Config)); // Creates your mods settings options
        ExampleMod2Ui.Create(); // Initialize the code in your ModUi's Create()

    protected override void OnGameStart()
        // This is called once the player spawns in the world and gains control.
        // Use this to initialize anything you cant do earlier because there is no player instance.

    public void OnUpdate()
        //Everything in here is called whenever the world updates, it checks on every frame
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(Config.ToggleKey.Value)) // Checks if Config Value inputkey is pressed
            // Executes this code if the inputkey is pressed

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(Config.ToggleKey2.Value)) // Checks if Config Value inputkey is pressed
            // Executes this code if the inputkey is pressed

    If anywhere you want to log anything to the console, you can do so by adding this:
    RLog.Msg("Text here");
    Replace Text Here with the message you want displayed in the console and make sure you add it in the correct place.
    Note: Don't add this in anything like OnUpdate, otherwise the log will be shown on every frame
    leading to a very spammy log

    In this example code we are going to check a value for if we need to either increase it or remove it
    Depending on that value being less or equal to 14400(in this case it being the default time for a cooking buff)
    If it's less than or equal to 14400 we set remainingCookingBuffTime to the duration of your slider
    In the else if statement it will check if the remainingCookingBufTime is higher than 100000
    If that is indeed more than 100000 it will set the remainingCookingBufTime to 0, making the buff run out.
    public static void ExampleCode()
        // Check if the remaining buff time is less than the default time
        if (LocalPlayer.Vitals._remainingCookingBuffTime <= 14400)
            // Buff time is less than or equal to 14400, set time to the value chosen in your slider
            LocalPlayer.Vitals._remainingCookingBuffTime = Config.ExampleSlider.Value;

            // Using return; here so it doesnt also run the other code
        // Lets say you set it to 864000, but you dont want to wait until it runs out as you want another buff
        // Check if the remaining time is higher than to 100000 
        else if (LocalPlayer.Vitals._remainingCookingBuffTime > 100000)
            // Remaining buff time is higher than to 100000, setting time to 0 so the buff runs out
            LocalPlayer.Vitals._remainingCookingBuffTime = 0;

        This code is a lot simpler. It has a check in place and applies a value from your config to the player
        Here what we are trying to do is to set the player's health to the value of your slider
        It checks if the player exists, if not it does nothing.
        If the player exists it will apply the value from your slider to the amount of health the player has
    public static void ExampleCode2()
        // Check if the player is actually in the world, otherwise there is nothing to apply the value to
        if (!LocalPlayer.IsInWorld)
            // If localplayer is not in world, do nothing
            // If localplayer is in world, apply the value from the slider to the character's health
            LocalPlayer.Vitals.Health._currentValue = Config.ExampleSlider2.Value;


using RedLoader;
using RedLoader.Preferences;
using SonsSdk;

namespace ExampleMod2;

public static class Config
    public static ConfigCategory Category { get; private set; }
    public static KeybindConfigEntry ToggleKey { get; private set; } // Adds keybind entry in your config named ToggleKey
    public static KeybindConfigEntry ToggleKey2 { get; private set; } // Adds keybind entry in your config named ToggleKey2
    public static ConfigEntry<float> ExampleSlider { get; private set; } // Adds configentry listening to Float value
    public static ConfigEntry<float> ExampleSlider2 { get; private set; } // Adds configentry listening to Float value
    public static ConfigEntry<bool> ExampleToggle { get; private set; } // Adds configentry listening to Bool value

    //public static ConfigEntry<bool> SomeEntry { get; private set; }

    public static void Init()
        Category = ConfigSystem.CreateFileCategory("ExampleMod2", "ExampleMod2", "ExampleMod2.cfg");

        // This config entry can be used to create a slider with a min and a max float value.
        // In this example we will be using it for timer you can set upon using your toggle key.
        ExampleSlider = Category.CreateEntry(
            "Duration", //Set identifier
            14400f, //Set default value in ingame seconds
            "Duration in in-game seconds", //Set name displayed in mod menu settings
            "Minimum is 14400 seconds (4 hours), max is 864000 seconds (10 days)"); //Set description shown on hovering mouse over displayed name
        ExampleSlider.SetRange(14400f, 864000f); // Set the range in in-game seconds
        // Now with this you will have a settings option named "Duration in in-game seconds"
        // with a slider that goes from min 14400 to max 864000

        // This config entry can be used to create a slider with a min and a max float value.
        // In this example we will be using it for a health value you can set upon using your toggle key.
        ExampleSlider2 = Category.CreateEntry(
            "Health", //Set identifier
            100f, //Set default value
            "Set Health", //Set name displayed in mod menu settings
            "Range from Minimum 1 and maximum 200"); //Set description shown on hovering mouse over displayed name
        ExampleSlider2.SetRange(1f, 200f); // Set the minimum and maximum range
        // Now with this you will have a settings option named "Set Health"
        // with a slider that goes from min 1 to max 200

        // This config entry can be used to create a toggle keybing that you can change to other keys
        ToggleKey = Category.CreateKeybindEntry(
                "toggle_key", // Set identifier
                EInputKey.numpad4, // Set default input key
                "Toggle Buff Time", // //Set name displayed in mod menu settings
                "The key that toggles the buff timer."); //Set description shown on hovering mouse over displayed name
        ToggleKey.Notify(ExampleMod2.ExampleCode); // On key pressed notifies your code to be triggered. 
        // This is an alternative to using "Input.GetKeyDown(Config.ToggleKey.Value)" on Update to call the ExampleCode method
        // This config entry can be used to create a toggle keybind that you can change to other keys
        ToggleKey2 = Category.CreateKeybindEntry(
                "toggle_key2", // Set identifier
                EInputKey.numpad5, // Set default input key
                "Set Health Toggle Key", // Set name displayed in mod menu settings
                "The key that toggles the Health code."); // Set description shown on hovering mouse over displayed name
        ToggleKey2.Notify(ExampleMod2.ExampleCode2); // On key pressed notifies your code to be triggered

        // This config entry can be used to create a checkbox that is either enabled or disabled
        ExampleToggle = Category.CreateEntry(
            "example_toggle", // Set identifier
            false, // Set default value
            "Enable/Disable something", // Set name displayed in mod menu settings
            "If enabled ... if disabled ..."); // Set description shown on hovering mouse over displayed name
        You can use this in your main code file like this:

        public static void YourMethod()
        if (Config.ExampleToggle.Value)
            Your code if enabled 
                Your code if disabled 